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How much does it cost to travel the world is a relative question. It all depends on the type of traveller you are. We met people traveling with a US$ 10 daily budget and others with US$100.
We, from Monday Feelings, have a US$50 budget per day for both of us. And this budget is actually for everything: accommodation, flights, visas, etc.

Can two survive with that? Yes, easily. It’s true that we have to make some sacrifices, such as:
- not having our daily pint;
- not buying souvenirs at all (especially because we can’t fit anything else in our backpacks);
- make some night travels to save on accommodation;
- among other things.
Though, we have always done everything we wanted to do.
At the end, we spend much less travelling than living in London, the city we used to live before starting our trip. And if you are organising your trip right now, check our Trip Checklist Page!
Choosing the countries to travel the world

Choosing the country you are going to visit is the most important decision you will make. That is simply because travelling in Europe is way more expensive than in South East Asia, for example. Likewise, going to Japan, Singapore, South Korea, is more costly than visiting Kenya, South Africa or Georgia.
It all depends on the type of travel you are planning.
The right time of the year

Choosing the right season to travel is important. Summer holidays in Europe (July to September) are usually the most expensive times to travel to most countries. This is because Europeans are currently the travellers in biggest numbers and so, it doesn’t matter whether you are going to Africa or Europe, the prices will tend to get higher.
The holidays between Christmas and New Year’s Eve are also known for being busier and more expensive.
So, if you need to save some money, avoid the most touristic places during the holiday seasons as you will surely spend more around these times.
Research to travel around the world

Before leaving home, research the most you can. Calculate how much money you have, divide it by number of days your trip will take and you will have your daily budget.
Find out how much costs a night on a hostel, guest house, camping or hotel in the countries you will visit.
Make a list of the countries that need visa and how much they cost. If you are traveling by plane, it’s better to buy the tickets in advance.
The main costs of a traveller are with accommodation, transportation and visas (depending where you are going. Africa, for instance, is very expensive for visas).
You might be interested in: “How to choose your itinerary to travel around the world”
Some little perks won’t hurt anyone sometimes

Resilience. This is the word which describes a travel around the world in our opinion.
Human beings can adapt themselves to almost all circumstances. Thus, lowering your level of comfort won’t kill you. You will find out that, now and again, sharing a room with people you don’t know won’t make you less happy; or that having to spend a day (or two) without a shower won’t ruin your mood. Chill out, there are more important priorities in life and you will find it out as soon as you hit the road.
At the same time, eventual perks won’t harm anyone. Sometimes, indulging yourself on a more interesting restaurant, staying in a cleaner and nicer hotel, or even taking a cab back to your place are small details that will make the travel routine lighter, for instance.
To travel is also tiring. Actually, to be popping up from one place to the other every day is exhausting. Therefore, try to spend longer times in a place, to create a routine and a connection with the people and the environment around you.
For the ones traveling for longer times, it’s important to give yourself a few days to rest, otherwise, no one can take it. To spend a bit longer in the places gives you a private space and the chance to organise yourself and reload energies.
We met people traveling with a low-budget (US$10/day) that at the end of 2, 3 months on the road, were completely worn-out and missing their bed.
By the way, do you want to know more about our travel around the world? Check it out our Facebook and Instagram pages too
Save it up for travelling around the world!

There are many ways to save up while traveling, some simpler than the others:
We found out about hitchhiking that, besides saving you money, it is simple and fun. And it goes beyond travelling between countries for free, we also get to know local people who are usually really kind and end up inviting us to stay over at their place or just for dinner.

Websites like Couchsurfing which connects travellers with local people are very useful and you can stay at people’s home for free. Again, this is a tool which goes beyond the zero cost: being in a foreign country with tips from a local one provides you an even richer experience.

To have a tent always in hand, even for the ones that don’t really want to camp all the time, is very handy. At times of unpredicted happenings (you can’t find a hotel or accommodations are more expensive than you thought), you can go for a free camping or even ask to put your tent up at a hostel’s garden for half the price (it has worked a few times with us!).

Sites like WorkAway, WWOOF and WorldPackers offer jobs in different fields in exchange of free accommodation and food. Again, it goes beyond of making your trip cheaper, it is the type of experience which will make you understand the local’s life a little deeper.

Now, if you are a real adventurer, maybe you would like to know there is a way of crossing oceans completely for free. But this is a subject for another post!