Why visit Iran – 8 reasons to convince you to visit Iran right now Oh, Iran…! I think we could list at least 100 reasons to go there. But if you are... Read More...
Essential things to pack for travelling The moment has come. Your long trip travel is already booked and now is time to decide what... Read More...
The traditional – and inspiring – Georgian toasts! Georgians love to gather together to eat and drink! They call this fraternisation amongst family and friends of... Read More...
We came back from Pasargadae Many Brazilians know about the famous poem “I am going away to Pasargadae” by Manuel Bandeira. We have... Read More...
Kruger Safari in South Africa, the best safari experience in the country The Kruger Safari in South Africa is one of the most famous in the African continent and if... Read More...
The first impressions of Tehran, Iran This is only the third day, but we have already demystified so many ideas people have about this... Read More...
Harambee – why the world should adopt its meaning What does Harambee mean? Harambee means “all pull together” in Kenya’s national language, Swahili. It is an allusion... Read More...
Muzungu in Kenya Arriving in Kenya from Egypt made us feel a lot like at home. The Kenyans are very friendly... Read More...
How live the Christians in Egypt? How are the lives of about 15% of Christians in Egypt? We have been wondering about it since... Read More...