Best Hotel in Tehran, Iran – review do Hanna Boutique

Fernanda sentada ao lado da cama na escrivaninha do quarto com seu laptop trabalhando no Hanna Boutique Hotel em Teerã
Fernanda trabalhando no Hanna Boutique | Foto de Monday Feelings

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We love Iran so much that we visited it a couple of times already, having travelled extensively around the country! Only in Tehran, we stayed for two weeks, tried different types of accommodation and can tell for sure what is the best hotel in Tehran.

When travelling to very cultural and emblematic destinations such as Iran, we always prefer to stay in more traditional and boutique hotels that can offer us much more than an accommodation, but a whole experience. That’s exactly what we got at the Hanna Boutique Hotel Tehran.

The Hanna Boutique Hotel in Tehran

Fernanda sitting down in one of the beds of the best hotel in Tehran
Fe in one of the beds of the Hanna Boutique hotel in Tehran | Photo by Monday Feelings

The Hanna Boutique was inaugurated in mid-2018, a year and a half before our last visit to Tehran, late 2019. Housed inside a historical 80-year-old once abandoned building, it became Tehran first boutique hotel, considered by many locals and internationals the best hotel in the Iranian capital.

That was actually something that caught our attention and made us like the place even more: not only the travellers were keen on it, but mostly locals too. When we told our Iranian friends that we were staying at the Hanna Boutique, they were super excited for us, saying that it was one of the coolest places in Tehran right now. The Hanna boutique is super trendy and artistic. The architectural project was signed by acclaimed Iranian architect Mahsa Majidi, and gives a glimpse into the country’s flourishing contemporary design landscape.

Where is the Hanna Boutique Hotel

overview of Tehran
View from Bam-E Tehran | Photo by Monday Feelings

Located in Tehran’s downtown, near the Italian embassy in Tehran, the project aimed at helping to return life to the centre of Tehran – a problem we from developing countries all face since our old towns become more neglected and thus abandoned by the population. Bringing city life back to its city centre is an important process of giving it back to its citizen and making it more accessible and secure to all.

Although located right at the heart of Tehran, in a very loud and chaotic corner, the hotel is almost like an oasis offering refuge from the hectic life. You can feel this as soon as you enter the small doors of the almost imperceptible Number 3 Lolagar Alley.

By the way, before travelling to Iran, we highly recommend looking at our complete article about what to do in Iran!

*Disclaimer: You will find in this article links to a company called 1st Quest. As you probably know, due to the sanctions international payments are not allowed in Iran. This used to be a big problem for those wanting to book their holidays in the country. However, with the booming tourism industry in the last years, online agencies such as 1st Quest started to operate allowing travellers to make online purchases with their card (they do that having part of their operation located abroad – at the case of the 1st Quest, they have an office in the UK to process card payments). This means that if you want to book accommodation, flights, insurance, visa, etc to your trip to Iran, you can do so using the 1st Quest website, which we have used before and recommend to fellow travellers. Any doubts, make sure to get in touch with us!

How is the Hanna boutique hotel, the best hotel in Tehran

Fernanda sitting down near the bed of the room working on her laptop in the best boutique hotel of Tehran
Fernanda working in our room at the Hanna Boutique Hotel in Teerã | Photo by Monday Feelings

We say the Hanna Boutique is the best hotel in Tehran because they are much more than an accommodation. The place is very artistic with each room being completely different from the other. All of them though are so authentic and showcase so many features of the Iranian culture that you feel immersed in a magical Persian atmosphere.

Their rooms are also a highlight, all super cosy and comfortable, with a touch of sophistication too, after all this is a kind of a luxury hotel in Tehran. As a true boutique hotel in Tehran, all of its rooms have different designs – there are 7 en-suites in total. The price range varies a bit as the rooms have different sizes too. Daily rates start at 130 euros including breakfast and you can check availability and more details here.

How are the rooms of the hotel

A large bed in a very chic and modern room in a hotel in Tehran Iran
One of the rooms in Hanna Boutique | Photo by Monday Feelings

We stayed at the Noor Room, which offers views of the garden as well as the Hafez Bridge. The room was super cosy and had a small working area, which was perfect as at the time we were finalising our book Nomad and ended up spending a lot of time sitting there writing.

The next time we visit Tehran though we really wish to stay at the Lolagar Room which is their signature en-suite, showcasing beautiful vintage furniture and a see-through shower facing the rest of the room. Just beautiful!

The common areas of the Hanna boutique, the best hotel in Tehran are also very stylish. They have a small reception with a cafe and an outside area with a garden, some tables, a shop and a restaurant. These areas are open to the general public and you always meet other locals hanging around. In fact, this is a great place to get in touch with the more modern and artsy Tehrani public.

And then, of course, there is also the super kind and friendly staff, even though we were in a luxury hotel in Tehran. Local hospitality is just a rule over there. In fact we have a whole article dedicated to our love for Iranian hospitality, probably the most caring people on the planet.

The breakfast at the Hanna boutique and its restaurant

A food plate with sausages, pouched egg, juice, and a full breakfast at the hotel in Tehran
The breakfast at the Hanna Boutique Hotel | Photo by Monday Feelings

The restaurant of the Hanna Boutique Hotel is open to the public and in our opinion is one of the best restaurants in Tehran.

They provide a distinctive combination of Iranian and international flavours, while maintaining essential Iranian tastes and aromas. Our breakfast was also served there daily, with three options to shoose from.

As I said, this is one of the best restaurants in Tehran and you should really try to visit them even if you are not staying there, as they are open to the general public for breakfast, lunch of dinner in Tehran.

Where to stay in Tehran – other hotels in Tehran

If you don’t like so much the boutique concept and are looking for a more classical Tehran hotel 5 star you can have a look at the Espinas Palace or the Wisteria Hotel.

On the other hand, if you are looking for something more affordable, there are plenty of charming B&B and hostels in Tehran. One that we always recommend for those wanting a cheap hotel in Tehran, yet very nice, is the Hi Tehran Hostel. They are situated in a charming and cosy house and offer single or shared rooms.

Best boutique Hotels in Iran

a mirror room inside Kianpur Historical House in Shiraz
Traditional Persian architecture | Photo by Monday Feelings

All over Iran we found beautifully designed boutique hotels. Many of them were housed inside historical buildings or even palaces from different Persian dynasties presenting us with a glimpse of the beauty and richness of the local culture. If you want to follow the steps of these boutique hotels in Iran, here you are a few recommendations.

Esfahan: In Esfahan we stayed in the beautiful boutique hotel Kianpour Historical House. It is located inside an old palace from the Qajar Era (1789 to 1925). The reconstruction work of the hotel owner, a very talented Iranian architect called Mr. Kianpour, is impressive. Another famous boutique hotel is Esfahan is the Joybar boutique.

Shiraz: In Shiraz the most impressive Boutique Hotel is the Darbe Shazdeh . Located at the city centre, it also has a delicious restaurant which is open to the public and you should try even if not staying there.

Kashan: This is a city near Tehran famous for its traditional houses. There, we stayed at the Sarva House, a very beautiful and charming boutique hotel located inside a traditional Iranian house. Another beautiful boutique hotel in Kashan is the Manouchehri House.

Fernanda sentada ao lado da cama na escrivaninha do quarto com seu laptop trabalhando no Hanna Boutique Hotel em Teerã
Review of Hanna Boutique
Our verdict
One of the best experience we had staying in Boutique Hotels. The details are well-thought, the rooms are individually designed, the food is espetacular. I actually can't find a something bad to say.